Michael Stuart Heath

 A Humble Mainiac Christian Blogger

Governor’s Campaign Continues

My Candidacy Continues On January 9, 2021 I announced my decision to make myself available to serve as Governor of Maine.  I decided to pursue the idea as a registered Republican.  After six months I decided I needed to make my candidacy Independent of both major political parties. As an...

Vandalizing the Narrative

Hollywood, and the powerful elite institutional Left wing of the English speaking world, are transforming into the best friend of common sense.  This Irish Youtuber, Dave Cullen, is doing some of the best work on the internet. I started following him a few years ago.  I get the sense he started...


I'm not talking about shoes or stages.  The word "platforms" is fast being adopted as a word to describe an online phenomenon.  This reality is developing because of  a conflict between limited attention spans, corporate goals and emerging privacy concerns.

Marriage and Civilization Snatchers in Mayberry

I remember from my childhood a movie about body snatchers.  I think the idea was that aliens came to earth and snatched people's bodies.  The aliens had a way of stealing your body. The West is allowing it's body to be snatched. Satan is the alien who is doing the snatching.  And he is...

Budget Update

A couple Saturdays ago I delivered my last FedEx package.  God had me in that "wilderness" for two years.  It was great for me.  God talked with me ... through Youtube. That's right.  Youtube. But I'm afraid that the ideas God used to challenge me may soon not be available on Youtube,...

Capture the Flag in Syria

We've made a mess overseas.  Our efforts to "make the world safe for democracy" have only hurt people.  We haven't done anything to help -- especially in North Africa and the Middle East.  Ancient Christian communities have been destroyed and disrupted by our destructive Israel-centric approach to...

Charlotte Iserbyt: Struggling in the Arena of Ideas

The Greek word logos is translated "word" in the English Bible.  Jesus describes himself as the Word in the first verse of John.  John writes, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."  Words must be important.  If words are important then...

Faggotry IS Maggotry

God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. -- Romans 1:28b Faggotry IS Maggotry Earlier this year I wrote a COLUMN promising to lead a global "Faggots are Maggots World Tour."  I knew it wouldn't happen when I wrote it.  I'm not stupid.  I wrote it because I...

World Turned Upside Down

These people are out to destroy the world, and now they’ve shown up on our doorstep, attacking everything we hold dear! And Jason is hiding them, these traitors and turncoats who say Jesus is king and Caesar is nothing! -- The Message Acts 17:7 World Turned Upside Down FedEx perp walked me across...

Saint John’s Valley

Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people ... he knew what was in each person.  -- John 2:24-25 Saint John's Valley Crowning America, quite literally, is the lovely Roman Catholic Saint John Valley in Maine.  Situated in the northern most part of the northern most County in...

Depraved Mind

Just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. -- Romans 1:28 Depraved Mind It is so obvious to me that we Americans, especially "christian" Americans, have a depraved mind.  The feminist...

Is Dale Crafts a Loser?

Dale is fighting to ensure a bright future for our children and grandchildren by restoring our economy and safeguarding conservative values that make America great.  Are you on Board? -- From Dale Crafts Website Is Dale Crafts a Loser? The nicer than Jesus moment in the West has been Trumped. ...

Schumer’s Folly

Good!  I hope the Jews did kill Christ, I'd do it again.  I'd F*cking do it again in a second!" Jewish comedian Sarah Silverman Schumer's Folly Jewish Democrat politician Chuck Schumer recently commented on the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.  He brought up his lesbian daughter who is "married" to a...

The Trump Military

The purpose of all wars, is peace.  St. Augustine The Trump Military One of the reasons Trump will win in November is his foreign policy.  In addition to bringing jobs home he wants to bring our soldiers home.  The last world war happened seven decades ago.  We established the peace long ago. ...

The Coach Rush

So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. -- Isaiah 59:14 The Coach Rush Rush Limbaugh is rich.  He flies wherever he wants in the world in a private plane.  Rich talk show hosts can afford that luxury.  They don't...

The F Word

An annoying or inconsiderate person.  A shrewish woman. -- Dictionary definition of the word "faggot" The F Word It's getting curioser and curioser out there.  When the so called "gay rights" fight came to my door (I didn't go looking for this fight) way back in the late 1980s it was verboten to...

I’m Sorry Fred

And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. -- Isaiah 59:14 I'm Sorry Fred I see that Glenn Beck is apologizing for not supporting Donald Trump in 2016.  That's nice.  He should be apologizing to Fred Phelps.  So...

Maggots the Sequel

An extravagant notion; a whim -- Dictionary definition of the word "maggots" Maggots -- The Sequel I'd like to use the word that rhymes with maggots.  But that would be unwise.  It's a trigger word that isn't gay enough for the evanjellyfish soccer moms and their "husbands."  I'll leave the...


Virtue has a veil, vice a mask. -- Victor Hugo Veils I pray this doesn't sound melodramatic.  Please read to the end before you decide. Tomorrow is my 59th birthday.  I find I must make a decision that could cost me my freedom, and perhaps my life.  I will make it before tomorrow.  I will be...


In war the only sure defense is offense, and the efficiency of the offense depends on the warlike souls of those conducting it. -- George S Patton Offense In the late 1970s I decided to go on offense against satan.  I didn't know at the time that I decided to make war on satan.  I thought that I...


Maggots consume the rancid flesh of rotting dead things. -- Me in my spring 2020 COLUMN entitled Faggots are Maggots World Tour Maggots I guess some people got the impression that I hate "gay" people from the COLUMN mentioned above.  I don't.  But I do hate what they do just as much as I hate my...