Kobe Pierces the Fog of Mortality

And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  — Rich Young Man     Kobe Pierces the Fog of Mortality     It came as a surprise, and without much, if any, warning. ...

He’ll Be Back

There are so many wrecked lives and marriages in the West today. — Me, yesterday     He'll Be Back     I mentioned my parents’ sixty year long marriage yesterday in my Shield of Faith COLUMN.  Read it here.  ...

A Weekend on Suffering

Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of nature and the existence of free-wills involve, and you find that you have excluded life itself. — C.S. Lewis     A Weekend on Suffering     On Friday after I completed my morning Shield of Faith LIVE show...

Suicide of a Superpower

The last consequence of a dying Christianity is a dying people. Not one post-Christian nation has a birth rate sufficient to keep it alive….The death of European Christianity means the disappearance of the European tribe, a prospect visible in the demographic...

Jesus is the Comeback Kid

​I am back in the legislature and I hope you are right about the comeback but today, I am not seeing it from here. — Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent   Jesus is the Comeback Kid   Jesus Christ is the comeback kid. Only one world religion worships a...

Roe Vs Wade: A Life and Death Drama

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. — GK Chesterton Roe Vs Wade: A Life and Death Drama Since 1973 the Shakespearean drama called abortion has played to crowds of millions … tens of...

Richmond Remained Political

It's tragic that we live in a country where reporters who are just minding their own business trying to push a narrative can have everything ripped away from them in an instant when protesters refuse to shoot at people. — The Babylon Bee Richmond Remained Political...

Hoyle’s Case Dismissed

Enforce the Law Chief Putney — Larry Richardson’s sign in Charlotte NC Yesterday   Hoyle’s Case Dismissed Paulie and I made our second trip to the Charlotte, North Carolina courthouse yesterday.  The first time we went to support Gunnery Sergeant Alan Hoyle in...