A Clumsy, Pandering Clown Show Hollywood has produced another film making fun of preachers. Gee. We’re all shocked. I listen to this YouTubers content more for his hilarious rant than to get his opinion on any particular film. He ends every video with,...
Twenty Four Hour Brigading You'll know if you're being targeted because there's a definite time period involved.IE: I posted a negative tweet about Ian Carroll & it was a 24-hour brigading of insane trolls. Dozens per second.Then it's over like it...
No More Programming Paulie and I are driving to Florida. After a long day on the road Paulie wanted to relax watching an old episode of Andy Griffith. She couldn’t. You can’t. Instead, you must watch Big Pharma advertisements interrupted by the content...
This YouTuber has done his homework on story telling. You will be able to tell minutes into his analysis. He is right in observing that all the recent layoffs in journalism and the entertainment industry do not mean the fight is over — by a long shot. He...