The Year of the MindFuck

The Year of The Mindfuck – CJ Hopkins ( If you are a moral purist “christian” please ignore this post.  You’ll walk away without thinking because of this writer’s language.  If you are willing to probe past the frequent use...

The Culture War

Before the internet this content would be local only.  It is helpful to Christians all over the world who are sorting out what politics is doing to them.  Kudos to E. Michael Jones and Peter Helland for producing this....

Gemma a Gem of the West

The Irish Light is luminous.  It is a print newspaper.  In Ireland.  Gemma O’Doherty publisher. Click here for the website. I’m not Irish.  I’m a Mainiac.  An American.  I am unfamiliar with Gemma’s world.  Never even visited Ireland. I do,...

Fake Hate Crimes Our local newspaper, the Kennebec Journal, recently gaslit the local population.  They featured another fake hate crime to cause the majority population of Maine’s capitol city to feel sorrow for Jews.  Here is the story.  Click on the above...