According to this column published this morning the most violent threat to Christians worldwide is Islam. Yet, this video was published by a Muslim last week. His points about justice make perfect sense to me, and sound much more Biblical/Christian than Americanism.
Whenever I speak against genocide in Gaza my Christian friends justify our actions by condemning Islam, and making the claim of the column linked above — that Muslims are killing Christians all over the world. Because this is true, they argue, Israel is justified in using our munitions to obliterate women, children and non-combatants in Gaza.
It is never just or righteous to kill the innocent. We must move ahead with a more sophisticated and realistic understanding of what it means to live inside of borders next to others who don’t speak our language, or share our religion. How about we start with respect, curiosity and appreciation of language/religious difference instead of giving in to the simplistic idea that we are somehow better, smarter and more worthy.
God made every single human on earth. Every single one is made in His image. Our first instinct MUST be to love them, especially if they are our enemy.