Michael Stuart Heath

Walmart Promotes Evil in Austin: Alex Jones Calls Them Out

I watched this video. Alex Jones is a lion.  If you don't believe me then watch his actions in this video.  He roars and parades like a male lion.  I love it.  The masculine virtues on display.  Testosterone included. What is Walmart doing allowing it's brand to be associated with this...

Praise for a Gutsy Priest

I became hopeful in the late 1980s. The evangelical institution I led was ten years into a very public fight in Maine over homosexuality, law, religion and politics. As I reached the high point in my career news broke internationally about homosexual priests in the Archdiocese of...

Settled Law

  By Fritz Spencer When our teacher first placed us in long rows so that we no longer hopped, hooted, or capered to the right or left like so many lambs or baby goats, she gave us the first laws which applied outside the home. Similarly, when our small but growing legs were steady enough, and...

Men for Christ

My insurance man invited me to help him yesterday.  When I found out he was doing physical labor I decided to help.  I drove one hour to join five other old men.  They gathered together to build a fence.  The fence was erected to keep toddlers from wandering across the dirt road to the waterfront...

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

Maine people don't care about the children of Maine.  Christians are to blame.  We don't care.  If we did we would do something to make this stop. This is what Jesus said about innocent and impressionable children, "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast...

Introducing Bob Garrett to the Alphabet Man LIVE

This morning I hit the streets of Maine's capital city, Augusta.  I've spent decades of my life here living, ministering and fighting in Jesus name.  I am ashamed to say that there is a baby murder mill here.  It must be closed down. I am thrilled to report that men and women have...

Help Us Support Julio Severo

I just finished reading a most helpful article on cultural marxism.  I became interested in the article because of the hearty endorsement of Ray Moore from Exodus Mandate.  I respect Ray's judgment. I am writing about the article because it is going to be translated into Portuguese for...

God Works in Unpredictable Ways Sometimes: More Idiot Shaming

I was real pleased to see that Maine's Governor Paul LePage vetoed the stupid law that our idiot legislators passed banning counseling for confused Mainers.  The "gay" lobby has worked overtime throughout America the past few years to embolden the American government in its war against...

Return to Order

Along the way in my ministry I met the folks at Return to Order.  They are among the faithful few who choose to walk out their Christian convictions by boldly going where no one has gone before ... to the streets and the politicians.  Christians won't discuss their faith outside their stained...

Helping Hands Ministries One Year Technical Internship

I need to raise ten thousand dollars to jump start a paid student internship.  This Christian home educated student will begin their internship after graduation from high school.  The internship lasts one year.  The intern will work every weekday full time in Brunswick, Maine at the international...

I’m Sorry Pat

Pat Buchanan commented on Trump's efforts with Russia. I remember when he ran for President many years ago.  I was leading the Christian Civic League of Maine at the time.  Christianity developed a wicked allergy to "candidate politics" in the twentieth century.  Had we Christians not been...

My Son is Helping Christians with AlthaTech

My son Jared started a business two years ago.  It is called AlthaTech. Many of his customers are Christians.  They are using the internet to preach the gospel.  They are on the internet because they cannot afford traditional media channels like radio and television.  These are not people who want...

I’m in Mayberry

Men are a dying breed in the West.  The masculine virtues are resurrecting in Russia along with Christianity.  Women rule U.S. We are so infantile ... even compared to who we were just 50 years ago. I watched this speech by Dwight Eisenhower last night.  It's just 15 minutes long. ...

Ray Moore Live: I Pledge Allegiance?

I'm writing this post as I watch the most dynamic and provocative new live show on the internet.  My good friend Ray Moore is the host.  The show is called Ray Moore Live and you must check it out by clicking on his name in this sentence. In today's show Ray talked about a great...

The NeoCon Problem

My friend Julio Severo just published some original thinking on prophecy, Russia and neocons.  Read it at this link. http://lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com/2018/04/gog-magog-russia-neocon-novel-and.html He attacks fiction writer Joel Rosenberg.  I read one of his books a number of years ago.  It was...

Bill Whatcott on Cultural Marxism

I deeply appreciate Bill Whatcott.  He is a Canadian political activist and Christian.  He's written an autobiography that I mentioned previously.  He just published a very helpful speech he recently delivered at a political event.  I've reprinted here.  I don't think he would mind.  But here is...

The Health Effects of Homosexuality

Peter LaBarbera at Americans for Truth about Homosexuality challenged his readers to read the book pictured above.  I took him up on the challenge. I wrote about taking up the challenge on my New Google Sites platform a couple weeks ago. This morning I read the following quote by...

Mayberry & Mexico

This is a continuation of a post about our move to Mt. Airy that I started on my old website platform, New Google Sites.  Check it out by clicking here.   We invite your prayers and involvement in our ministry.  Technology makes praying in real time with knowledge more possible than ever...

Continuing Mission

My parents raised me as a Christian.  I spent my early years in Maryland.  I graduated from high school in Maine.  I deepened my commitment to Jesus Christ in my final year of attending government-run indoctrination centers.  These "institutions" are known to most as public schools.  There isn't...