Michael Stuart Heath
A Humble Mainiac Christian Blogger
Thank God for Extremist Lockman
After the Christian Civic League decided on a populist offensive against the pedophiles in the early 1990s Larry Lockman jumped on the bandwagon. Since then he's made a political career out of fighting faggots. I know because I was there every step of his way. I'm glad to see he's still in the...
America is Not Free
Great analysis. Can't believe Fuentes is so young. https://rumble.com/v4f248u-america-is-not-a-free-country.html
The Dangers of Beauty
I am looking forward to reading this book. https://www.youtube.com/live/51hyNvtKPes?si=-8p_ELrSBx4yKBFJ
Special Forces Discussion
My biggest regret in life is not being honest on social media. This discussion between what I think of as special forces veterans in the social media platform war of the past couple decades is fascinating. I chose never to dive into the deep end of social media because it always felt super fake. ...
Russell makes great point in this video. https://rumble.com/v4eokmu-the-truth-about-alexei-navalny-and-julian-assange.html
Truth about the Covid Farse
Fascinating https://gab.com/MatthewtheOilman/posts/111969872466788884
Bing Vs Gab AI
This is why I think the jury hasn't even been called to sit in judgment of artificial intelligence. Props to Jared Taylor for taking time to do this analysis. https://www.bitchute.com/video/UxY2o24wqqes/
VDare is Being Destroyed
Tucker exposes truth here. You dare not ignore this. https://gab.com/TuckerCarlsonTweets/posts/111966440574091491
Master and Commander
During the last decade of my two decades as leader of the Christian Civic League of Maine I devoured all the novels authored by Patrick OBrian in his Aubrey/Maturin series. I was recently reminded of the story by the review below. I decided to pass it along as a blog post. OBrian wrote over...
Christian Scholar Speaking Truth
Don't make the mistake of believing the so-called fact checkers if you choose to use the internet to confirm Dr. E. Michael Jone's bona fides. MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND, for the truth's sake. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Zw4e8k9nZXDK/
Pedos Should Die
Stew Peters is on fire. He's going way beyond my historic offensive rant headlined by the words "maggots" and "faggots." He's saying that these degenerates deserve to be killed by the State. I'm with him one hundred percent. America must return to the days of capital punishment -- especially...
Israel Murdered John and Robert Kennedy
“Who the Hell Has Been Ruling Over Us for the Past Century?”
Stew Peters nails it. https://rumble.com/v4ch8hu-live-stew-peters-reacts-to-tuckerputin-interview..html
Guild Prophets
In 1912 G.K. Chesterton wrote, "I would rather a boy learnt in the roughest school the courage to hit a politician, or gained in the hardest school the learning to refute him – rather than that he should gain in the most enlightened school the cunning to copy him.” Digital tech is making all of us...
A Citizen Army
Forever war is a real thing now for Americans, and increasingly all of humanity. The American Empire can't get enough of war and violence. We talk a bit about that in today's LIVEstream. It's just fifteen minutes. Give it a watch and leave a comment below!...
Jason Whitlock BLAZEd for Honest Dialogue with American Lit Expert
Jason Whitlock got in trouble with The Root. Click here to watch the offending interview he did with Dr. E. Michael Jones. Click here for the full Tucker video on X. Be sure to comment below. https://michaelheath.tv/w/nC4D5iEJs2Nh9V5uemu8Df
Docile Uninformed Compliance
I started my political career after completing a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy and Religion. I came into politics loving the ideas of every person and institution. I was curious, and respectful. I was young. I was just starting my fourth decade on earth when I became leader of Maine's...
The Porn Conversation is Getting Real
This Irish young man, Keith Woods, is impressive. He caught my attention when he was credited with blowing up a hashtag on X last year. The hashtag was #bantheadl I think he is still publishing on X. Surprising where an associate of his who's account became powerful after his is now banned for...
Purity Spiraling
If you take the time to click through the link below you'll learn the definition of more slang words. The transgressive edge of content on the internet has always been gay to me. At this point I feel like we need a whole new english dictionary. Thankfully we have the internet that can add...
Gratifying Political Theater
Josh Hawley makes masterful use of his committee membership power to publicly shame Facebook's billionaire founder Mark Zuckerburg in the video below. I wish I believed this was anything but political theater. Fast and real legal progress needs to happen against American Big Tech corporations...
Will Israel Survive?
Back in my Protestant/Evangelical days I avoided the Jewish and Zionist issue. Eschatology, and issues related to Israel, always made me feel uncomfortable. I never spoke out on one side or the other. I maintained my focus on domestic sexual morality/political issues. Over the years I've done a...
Survival of the Fattest
This YouTuber has done his homework on story telling. You will be able to tell minutes into his analysis. He is right in observing that all the recent layoffs in journalism and the entertainment industry do not mean the fight is over -- by a long shot. He argues that as things continue to get...
Jezebel Kills will Present Novel in Place of Speech for State of the State
I guess it's that time of year again. The Chief Comforter will be putting all of us on her couch instead of regaling us with a policy speech. Oh joy. If you don't believe me click through to read the Kennebec Urinal's promotional flyer.
Fewer Nazi Salutes
I started to wake up about Jewish Supremacy decades ago. I visited the holocaust museum in Washington D.C. On the day I went through it the museum was promoting sodomy. This got me asking questions I hadn't thought of before. Here's a recent Jew York Times article that's pretty hilarious.