My Son is Helping Christians with AlthaTech

My son Jared started a business two years ago.  It is called AlthaTech. Many of his customers are Christians.  They are using the internet to preach the gospel.  They are on the internet because they cannot afford traditional media channels like radio and television. ...

I’m in Mayberry

Men are a dying breed in the West.  The masculine virtues are resurrecting in Russia along with Christianity.  Women rule U.S. We are so infantile … even compared to who we were just 50 years ago. I watched this speech by Dwight Eisenhower last night. ...

The Health Effects of Homosexuality

Peter LaBarbera at Americans for Truth about Homosexuality challenged his readers to read the book pictured above.  I took him up on the challenge. I wrote about taking up the challenge on my New Google Sites platform a couple weeks ago. This morning I read the...