You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

Maine people don’t care about the children of Maine.  Christians are to blame.  We don’t care.  If we did we would do something to make this stop. This is what Jesus said about innocent and impressionable children, “It were better for him that a...

Introducing Bob Garrett to the Alphabet Man LIVE

This morning I hit the streets of Maine’s capital city, Augusta.  I’ve spent decades of my life here living, ministering and fighting in Jesus name.  I am ashamed to say that there is a baby murder mill here.  It must be closed down. I am thrilled to...

Help Us Support Julio Severo

I just finished reading a most helpful article on cultural marxism.  I became interested in the article because of the hearty endorsement of Ray Moore from Exodus Mandate.  I respect Ray’s judgment. I am writing about the article because it is going to be...

God Works in Unpredictable Ways Sometimes: More Idiot Shaming

I was real pleased to see that Maine’s Governor Paul LePage vetoed the stupid law that our idiot legislators passed banning counseling for confused Mainers.  The “gay” lobby has worked overtime throughout America the past few years to embolden the...

I’m Sorry Pat

Pat Buchanan commented on Trump’s efforts with Russia. I remember when he ran for President many years ago.  I was leading the Christian Civic League of Maine at the time.  Christianity developed a wicked allergy to “candidate politics” in the...