
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. — James 5:1 I love the word “offensive.” I started my political career on the offense, so to speak. The first...

Political Maggots

I invested my political career in democracy. I lived … and resigned … by the idea that a majority of the people should be empowered to decide political matters. I used the referendum in Maine to force a statewide debate on sodomy. We won for over a decade. Ultimately,...

Matrimony Day God’s Way

God called me to throw an idea out there a week ago. You can read about it on my website. I won’t use space in this morning’s Shield of Faith. The idea is inspired by the fact that we are all newspapers and television stations now. The old media is dead. I want to do...