Michael Stuart Heath
A Humble Mainiac Christian Blogger
The Frankenshot
Murder in Moscow: The CIA Again?
The West desperately needs to get it's act together. We can't be seriously leaning into another use of nukes over what is happening right now around the world? Western leadership is immature and dangerous. STOP BEING...
Master Class on Jewish “Reasoning”
Twenty five year old Nick Fuentes holds a master class here on Jewish "reason." He LIVEstream comments on a recent discussion that Candace Owens has with a Rabbi. You'll learn a lot if you can summon the intestinal fortitude to ignore the gatekeeper denunciations of Fuentes long enough to watch....
A "friend" more or less cut me off last week because I defended this broadcaster -- Stew Peters. I'm so used to losing "friends" at this point. No big deal. Stew Peters for President of the United States of America. Extreme Accountability. Long past...
You Just Don’t Get It
What’s Really Going on Here?
No More Programming
Paulie and I are driving to Florida. After a long day on the road Paulie wanted to relax watching an old episode of Andy Griffith. She couldn't. You can't. Instead, you must watch Big Pharma advertisements interrupted by the content you wish to enjoy. People actually pay a cable subscription...
LIVE: Ireland TARGETS Reporter Over JAB DEATHS, America On Brink Of WW3, End Dual Citizenship NOW!
So glad to see Gemma O'Doherty on with Stew Peters! https://rumble.com/v4gobjx-live-ireland-targets-reporter-over-jab-deaths-america-on-brink-of-ww3-end-d.html
So glad to see Bill Whatcott getting more positive attention online. Read his autobiography. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Cw8roia9zqQs/
He’s Cogent!?
LOL https://youtu.be/1W0X9ZJcI-c?si=kocSIC0nvq61Nv1e
State of Dis Union
Read below the first video. END THE FED! https://rumble.com/v4hwbnl-ceo-douglas-macgregor-state-of-the-union-response.html Years ago I would have opined that the Stew Peters analysis below of Biden's speech is over the top. No more. If anything it is too tame. I am so angry about what the...
Stop Being Afraid
Communism Always Marries a Truth to a Lie
Opposition Proof
Nuland is Gone. Good.
We need to make peace with Putin's Russia. https://youtu.be/TFOIz2OaeC4?si=tamuJZQdgWzCB5SJ
Don’t Pay Taxes
You'll want to invest an hour in this documentary. All it will cost you is an email address.
Jewish Supremacy
I've got lots of problems with Trump. But, like I've said countless times, I'm still planning on voting for him in November. I had a micro experience similar to this yesterday at a local eatery. I was breakfasting with my sons. I was wearing my "Make America Great Again" hat. A group of five...
Population Control
This is reasonable and mature work. Rare in the West today. https://www.youtube.com/live/kmbzKXdAYh0?si=jyPl2DYxD6LI_qp5
This is Happening in Maine
The pace of arrival of illegal immigrants into Maine is increasing. Jezebel Janet Kills is currently working hard to carve out tens of millions from the covid surplus to fund their ten thousand dollar debit cards. In recent days these illegal "suffering" refugees have been showing up at public...
A Trillion Dollars of Dark Money
Tom Renz jumped into the deep end of the pool early as the Global Lockdown Hoax got rolling in 2020. I appreciate his work. I've also learned alot from listening to his guest, Jovan Pulitzer....
The Worst People on Planet Earth
From personal experience over four decades in state and national politics in the USA I can confirm that, if anything, Stew Peters is overly kind to our ruling class in this video. The men and women with whom I jostled throughout my political and ministry career are congealing against Peters. Of...
Amazing Polly is Helping me Understand
I've always been annoyed by the manipulation on the internet. If I post a link to a video in a post I write I don't want to KNOW that it is only a matter of time before it gets deleted AGAINST THE WISHES OF THE LINK CREATOR. I feel that way about two videos just posted by Amazing Polly. I'm only...