Burying the Lede — MaineWire Neutral on “Gay Marriage”
Mills’ Chief of Staff Threw a Tantrum and Stormed Off During White House Meeting: Reporthttps://t.co/j1kTyJpqqQ
— The Maine Wire (@TheMaineWire) February 24, 2025
I get it. You can’t talk seriously about religion in Maine unless you are a sodomite or Laurel Libby. The powers-that-ought-not-be have decided that’s the way of politics in Maine.
So the Neoconservative champion “MaineWire” is all over the story about a Kill’s employee throwing an F bomb at the White House. It happened at the same meeting where his boss, Jezebel Janet Kills, was getting a lesson in Realpolitik from the master himself, Donald Trump. The offending F bomber is the Kills Chief of Staff.
And the headline should be the fact his name is Jeremy Kennedy. Especially that he’s a proud sodomite who is “married” to the Democratic House Majority Leader, Matt Moonen (D-Portland). Instead, homosexuality is totally neutral, maybe even a heroic moral attribute, for my friends at the MaineWire.
To make matters worse, the ridiculously petty Republicans are exercised about the F bomb. So the Kills team simply denies he ever used the expletive. Problem solved.
The real issue with the God-hating Left in Maine is their war against Christianity’s definitions of … well … everything that is good, true and beautiful. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has literally NO institutional defenders. There are only two possible defenders. One is the Roman Catholic Bishop of Portland. The other is the historic Christian Civic League of Maine. Both are worse than a neutered dog. They are guilty of becoming in recent decades master practitioners of the Stockholm Syndrome.
I don’t care that Kennedy got into a nasty verbal exchange with a White House official. I don’t care that the Kills administration intimidates Republicans with their nasty words. I DO care that Maine is all in with championing the jewish sacrament of abortion. I do care that my tax dollars are used every single day to undermine parental authority and responsibility in our public schools. I do care that the only subject that is absolutely verboten in the Maine State House is morality. I do care that the spineless womanishness of the opposition party secures and increases the power of the satanists who hate all Maine children so much that they want to legally guarantee gender insanity starting at birth.
I care what is happening. You’ll have to forgive me if I feel like I’m the only one who cares for the right reasons.