When I considered running for Governor a couple years ago I coined the phrase “Jezebel Janet Kills” referring to Governor Janet Mills.  In similar style I’m going to think of House Representative Laurel Libby as Jezebel Laurel Ribby.  She is the more Zionist side, with an Evangelical identity, of Jezebel Janet.

Ribby is a play on her gender.  In the Garden the man gave his rib to make the woman. Today men surrender their nature to serve in the Legislature with their opposite gender.  Politics is war by other means. 

“Good christian” hidden men like Joshua Tardy must love making war on this increasingly womanish battlefield.  The emotion and chaos make it easier for him to help his clients — casinos and big pharma.

Jezebel Laurel is headline news internationally right now.  That’s because the jewish revolutionary movement benefits from her exaltation.  Curious that her second fifteen minutes of glory comes as a result of the world’s most well known jewish revolutionary, Donald Trump, calling out Jezebel Janet last week in the White House.  The issue that is permissible to fight over now is boys defeating girls in sports.  When I enjoyed my decade of glory it was the political pillow fight over “sexual orientation.”

Everything that Christianity upholds as good, true and beautiful must be replaced by what the rich and powerful (revolutionaries to a man and woman) decide is legitimate, meaningful and serious for humanity.  Anybody who interferes with this global systemic change in human nature can be justifiably murdered or fired.  If you’re a Christian in Palestine today you either abandon the homeland of your ancestors or suffer obliteration by an American bomb.  If you’re a Christian leader in Maine you make nice to the jews, sodomites and baby murderers or look for another job.

Jezebel Laurel was allowed to throw a politically ineffective hissy fit last year on baby murder.  She produced a lot of heat but no light.  This year she is crusading for women’s sports and credited with placing a Voter Identification proposal before the people by referendum.  Both issues will play out this year.  Jezebel Laurel commands the political high ground on both headline grabbing crusades just in time to put together a campaign for 2026.

I’m told Billy Bob isn’t happy.  Laurel is sucking up all the pot smoke that fills Republican meeting rooms statewide.  For guys like Billy Bob to be happy they need their share.  Jezebel Laurel Ribby doesn’t share with anybody that isn’t approved by Alex Titcomb’s fund raising church pot luck scam known as the Dinner Table.

Politics aside the time is fast approaching when the curtain will be pulled back.  The people will realize that Maine’s political class has managed a show for decades.  Monied interests have done well for themselves.  The rest of Maine, not so much.

All of us must blow the dust off the moral law.  That law in Maine is written down.  It defines rights that every single Mainer is benefitting from today.  We simply must choose to appreciate that fact as we develop knowledge and skills that enable the assertion of more of what is written there.

No politician is coming to save you.  If they are smoking the glory weed be careful.



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