Michael Stuart Heath
A Humble Mainiac Christian Blogger
Merry Christmas: Why the Future is Religious
Paul Kingsnorth begins his most recent blog post discussing the place where his story began. In my case, the time and place was Britain in the Eighties and Nineties, and the story we were immersed in then already seems like the product of a long-gone era. It was made up of the fading Christian...
Gabbing about America First
The America First movement is now mostly associated with Donald Trump. In the early twentieth century the most well-known leader was the aviator, Charles Lindbergh. The American government destroyed that movement by stealing the mailing list. We are watching the American government steal the...
Vincent James and Daily Veracity
I discovered this gutsy millennial blogger a few years ago. He's a family man who is building an online source for political/cultural news and opinion. As with an increasing number of my trusted sources his courage is marked by a willingness to discuss political shibboleths. My list of...
Christmas Shopping in Freeport
On Friday of last week God gave me a great blessing. Paulie and I have three sons for whom I could not be more thankful. They have given us seven grandchildren. Two of our sons live in North Carolina. It is a treasure to have the son with the most grandchildren living near our home in Maine....
The Abbey of Misrule
Paul Kingsnorth lives in Ireland. He is raising his family there. And he blogs from there. I discovered him this fall because he blogs about what he, and many others in the twentieth century, refer to as "The Machine." The depth of his consideration of the topic impressed me so much that I...
Gemma a Gem of the West
The Irish Light is luminous. It is a print newspaper. In Ireland. Gemma O'Doherty publisher. Click here for the website. I'm not Irish. I'm a Mainiac. An American. I am unfamiliar with Gemma's world. Never even visited Ireland. I do, however, love what I see and hear in Gemma when I visit...
Restoring the Mosaic is Where it’s at!
https://youtu.be/SLZbRJDbctE?si=m5b9lK2oY4vXBz6Z My youngest son, Jared, has built a business called Althatech. The seven-year-old business recently started helping Dr. Anne Gilles. I love what Dr. Gilles does for reasons unrelated to my son's business. I invested my life in standing publicly...
So Thankful Assange’s Story is Getting the TCN Treatment
https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1738328708052611148?t=IuUIIa9vIJJ_Aies5v4RuA&s=19 Unfortunately for me I'm not going to have access to this content. Nine bucks a month is too much for me right now. I don't begrudge Tucker and his team a paycheck, of course. It seems the internet...
How Long will my Social Security Last?
How Long will my Social Security Last? In August I qualified for Social Security. I've worked all my life. I've paid into this government mismanaged program that entire time. I am planning to take it starting at sixty two, mostly because I don't think that it will be around much longer. Am I...
My Own Platform
Search engines and third parties can throttle my reach. But you can search on anything that interests you on michaelheath.org and the search is going to return organic results ... I think. My search functionality may be powered by Google, so I'm not absolutely certain. I'm pretty sure it'll be...
Fake Hate Crimes
fakehatecrimes.org Our local newspaper, the Kennebec Journal, recently gaslit the local population. They featured another fake hate crime to cause the majority population of Maine's capitol city to feel sorrow for Jews. Here is the story. Click on the above link for an up-to-date list of fake...
I'm sick to death of being FORCED to think about Jews. It is literally everywhere now. They are burning down all Western Institutions to justify their slaughter of innocents in the West Bank. It's so gay it's boring. I want to think about something other than antisemitism. How about you....
Destroyed by Freemasons
https://youtu.be/gqKpe3CQZt8?si=dakqcai9fq8jO-K4&t=404 I've never met Jeff Mathis. He doesn't make it easy to contact him personally through online channels. If even ten percent of what he alleges in his testimony is true I get it. I wanted to at least email or call before putting this on...
Unmixed Evil
https://twitter.com/father_rmv/status/1735585936040169718?t=mp_0-GCdiVHxW9aTKWryIQ&s=19 I've read a lot of Chesterton. First saw this quote a week ago. Much of the meaning is still obscured by my fully protestantized mind. That part of my mind simply hates the quote. For obvious reasons. A...
Slaves to Debt
https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1738167507523940769 Tucker talking with an economist about debt and the fact that the United States of America is no longer the world's hegemon. Our political class is the only group that doesn't get it. Oh yes, I forgot. The boomers don't get it either. And...
A Space for Jones
A Space for Jones I thought I might write something last Sunday afternoon. I didn't. I indulged, instead, my latest platform addiction -- Elon Musk's X. The more edgy version of the cutesy Twitter featured an instantly available conversation in a new online place aptly called "Spaces." ...
Wake Up!
This video gets my Charlotte Iserbyt Award. The creator is telling the truth. Can't imagine he's monetized on YouTube. I'm shocked he still has a channel. And since I'm on those wicked conspiracy theorists I'm grateful that Lee Duigon is still pounding the keyboard and publishing on News With...
Rumble’s New Brand
Alternative media star Russell Brand hit a snag last week. Viewed as an annoyance by the lamestream media Brand suffered a broadside from "trusted" British media outlets and YouTube last week. In typical lamestream fashion the print media launched with unproven allegations and YouTube followed...
Take care with your online identity.
Helpful J6 Documentary
A couple days ago I finished watching this one hour production, obviously the fruit of many, many hours of work. Even though I was there that day I had never taken time to view what happened on the mall side of the Capitol. My son and many good friends spent the afternoon on the other side of the...
Holed Below the Waterline by the Financial System
Neil Oliver observes that the Empire has been "holed below the waterline by the financial system." The man who wrote this Issues page for my campaign for Governor, Steve Martin, finally got my attention on this issue of banking many years ago. He loaned me the book "The Creature from Jekyll...
The Living Water
An email I receive daily linked me to an English writer living in Ireland. His most recent writing project is titled "The Living Water." He has decided to make his upcoming series of essays free to everyone who visits his Substack. He supports his family financially with his writing. I love his...
Brian Camenker is Still Winning
One man stands out in my mind going back nearly a half century. He is Jewish. And he embodies the American essence of civic responsibility and religious toleration. He is more Christian than most christians I know. I've been given the honor of getting to know him better than most. He let me...
ST the Saint
I discovered this Scottish popular philosopher and media personality a while ago. I've viewed many of his YouTube messages. While it is impossible for me to select from among them the best one (they are all so good) this one would have to appear either near, or at, the top of a list of his...
Dr. Michael Yeadon
I'm starting to Rumble again. I discovered the video platform years ago and created an account. This morning I was able to reconnect virtually with Dr. Michael Yeadon. I developed an appreciation for him during the recent unpleasantness with a certain virus. I trusted his views because he's a...