A Revolting People

It is no easy matter to define the relative rights and mutual duties of the rich and of the poor, of capital and of labor. And the danger lies in this, that crafty agitators are intent on making use of these differences of opinion to pervert men's judgments and to...

The Brink of Ruin

Beware lest any man cheat you by philosophy and vain deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world and not according to Christ. -- Paul the Apostle   The Brink of Ruin   It would be better if we were being cheated by...

Majesty of Government

Political and religious affairs are so closely united that what is taken from the spiritual weakens the loyalty of subjects and the majesty of the government — Leo XIII   Majesty of Government   Twenty two years before the twentieth century began the Roman...

Contact Tracing

Ninety percent of bar patrons pay with a credit card. Just work with the establishment owners and make a deal! — Paul LePage, former and aspiring Governor of Maine Contact Tracing   Lots of phrases and words are becoming common place in our new normal. Social...

The New Normal

When you're testing things that are unknown, you cannot guarantee it, but we're hoping that, with a number of interventions, be they compounds or antibodies ... we're hopeful, cautiously optimistic that we may have one or more of them that would provide some degree of...

Safety and Bounty

Touting the safety and natural bounty of Maine, Gov. Paul LePage is pushing for Chinese students and companies to come to the Pine Tree State. — Steve Collins in the Lewiston Sun Journal, May 24, 2018   Safety and Bounty   Paul LePage probably still feels...

Reason Alone

For you know, venerable brethren, that that most deadly war which from the sixteenth century down has been waged by innovators against the Catholic faith, and which has grown in intensity up to today, had for its object to subvert all revelation, and overthrow the...

Not Afraid of Dying

If the Guinness Book of Records were to track the most senseless attitude possible, the award would probably go to someone who committed suicide for fear of dying. — From an online article entitled The Most Monumental Social Engineering and Ideological Transshipment...

Silver Spoon

I’ve worked hard all my life to get where I’m at because I haven’t had a silver spoon handed to me. — Paul Zimmerman, owner of the Red Maple Inn in Guilford, Maine Silver Spoon Before the 1700s producing a silver spoon from one’s pocked denoted that you were a member...

No Room for Love — Part 2

What he is more than anything, perhaps, is genuine. — Abigail Curtis writing about Syd Sanders in the Bangor Daily News No Room for Love — Part 2 Two days ago I wrote about how love has disappeared in America. I can think of no better illustration of my point than...