I’m impressed.

A Mainer was inspired a week ago to call the public to Augusta.  This Mainer was motivated by Trump’s confrontation with Governor Jezebel Janet Kills.

An acquaintance of mine promoted the call on X and Fakebook.  Others picked it up.  Five hundred Mainers showed up on Saturday!

A video of the event is posted above.

I know for a fact this was grassroots.  Nobody was paid to organize this.  Soros agents weren’t passing out fifty dollar bills to the attendees.  This was real Mainers, mad for a good reason.  Out-of-state Zionist non-profits weren’t donating staff and money to make it big, loud and successful.

Even though the establishment Augustatarians didn’t show they know it happened.  And I guarantee you they are factoring the significance of this event into their political math.

Some leaders were hurt by staying away from this event.  Jezebel Laurel Ribby was hurt the most.  All five hundred of those folks wanted to see her there.  They are disappointed she was a no show.  After the week she enjoyed in the spotlight she had the most to lose.

Why wasn’t Billy Bob there with bells on?  Where’s the public statements praising the organizers, and championing the cause?  The Maine GOP should be all over this event.  I didn’t see any evidence of their support.  How about Senator Rick Bennett?  I’m told he’s the frontrunner for Governor in 2026.  He can’t win without strong support from this group.  Yet, he wasn’t there.

Hat tip to @uninquirer on X.  Richard was a major force in creating this turnout.


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