Walmart Promotes Evil in Austin: Alex Jones Calls Them Out

I watched this video. Alex Jones is a lion.  If you don’t believe me then watch his actions in this video.  He roars and parades like a male lion.  I love it.  The masculine virtues on display.  Testosterone included. What is Walmart doing allowing it’s...

Praise for a Gutsy Priest

I became hopeful in the late 1980s. The evangelical institution I led was ten years into a very public fight in Maine over homosexuality, law, religion and politics. As I reached the high point in my career news broke internationally about homosexual priests in the...

Help Us Support Julio Severo

I just finished reading a most helpful article on cultural marxism.  I became interested in the article because of the hearty endorsement of Ray Moore from Exodus Mandate.  I respect Ray’s judgment. I am writing about the article because it is going to be...

God Works in Unpredictable Ways Sometimes: More Idiot Shaming

I was real pleased to see that Maine’s Governor Paul LePage vetoed the stupid law that our idiot legislators passed banning counseling for confused Mainers.  The “gay” lobby has worked overtime throughout America the past few years to embolden the...

Return to Order

Along the way in my ministry I met the folks at Return to Order.  They are among the faithful few who choose to walk out their Christian convictions by boldly going where no one has gone before … to the streets and the politicians.  Christians won’t...