Honest Conversation worth your Time

I like Lucas Gage.  He’s going LIVE in thirty minutes this afternoon.  God willing I’ll tune in. He’s a retired Marine.  He is fearless.  And he is booted from X for three months for speaking his mind.  Learn more at my Gab account.  @moil....

I Just Want to be Left Alone

Just discovered this YouTube channel.  Helpful. He helped me decide to dump as much of American big tech as I possibly can.  I’ve used Google since they appeared publicly.  My plan is to nuke my Google account.  On my way there I’ve nuked the Microsoft...

Foreign Policy

Listened to this on the way to the gym this morning.  The guest is impressive.  Let me know what you think in the comments. Amen.      

“It’s About Your Sex Life Jim”

https://www.bitchute.com/video/gbu0XbBWboCY/This entire interview is well worth the time.  At one hour and six minutes E. Michael Jones puts his interlocutor on the spot about his reasons for believing that religion doesn’t matter.  Priceless....

New Years Eve

https://gab.com/Paul7734/posts/111710299874377242 I think this guy’s name is Mark Dice.  Well worth the time if you are thinking about recent New Year’s events. Amen.