Michael Stuart Heath

 A Humble Mainiac Christian Blogger

Satanic Mass Murder in Gaza and the End of Jewish History

Click on the image to read the entire column: Over 50,000 Palestinians lie dead beneath the ruins of their homes, hospitals, and schools, a death toll now openly admitted by even Western-aligned humanitarian monitors. These are not combatants. These are not “human shields.” These are the elderly,...

The War on Whatever

Every word of this article is both true and clever. For example: The War on Whatever is not meant to be won.  It is meant to be continuous, which it is. Like the never-ending war in Orwell’s 1984, it is waged by the empire against its own subjects, but not only to keep the structure of society...

The Hero David Irving

I'm used to seeing an older version of this legendary British historian.  He is the most courageous scholar of our time. Weeks ago I discovered a podcast of him telling the story of his capture and imprisonment in Europe. An amazing man.  I look forward to taking time to read his HItler biography...


This word "Algocracy" is accurate.  If you expose yourself to any type of screen you are the target of the algorithm.  The most vulnerable are the folks who trust the television.  And they are the least surveilled, ironically. Movies and television media serve up the dregs of our culture.  The...

All Salvation is Local

This Priest's column makes many keen observations.  He writes: Our salvation – yours and mine – does not happen out there, in some other place or in someone else’s life. It doesn’t occur in the media or latest gossip, online or otherwise. It doesn’t depend on our knowing the latest political...

I’ve Been Paying Attention Way Too Long

I started deeply questioning "reality" shortly after assuming professional responsibilities at the Christian Civic League of Maine in the early 1990s (thirty five years ago).  My undergraduate degree in Religion/Philosophy gave me very rudimentary mental tools that helped me mature in that...

The Sexual Revolution’s Reich

Five days before a brand new Maine institution called the Christian Civic League of Maine (CCLM) pledged to encourage all the people of Maine in good citizenship Wilhelm Reich joined the human race in what is now Ukraine.  Reich was born on March 24, 1897.  Since that time the CCLM has worked to...

Wit Vs. Truth — Tragic Hero Larry Lockman

I've known Larry Lockman since 1990 -- thirty five years.  He made me his enemy, and kept it that way, ever since.  He's good at keeping enemies once he's made them, unless his enemy is gay. Click here for his latest column length demonstration of intelligence and wit. Larry went to war with me...

Is Criticism of Jews Allowed in Maine

I'm living in a self assigned ghetto for some inexplicable reason.  Maybe blogging about it will help me understand.  I know I'm not alone in this.  I suspect it is a simple case of Stockholm Syndrome.  I've developed a psychological bond with my oppressors. Stockholm syndrome is a coping...

Pageau Deserves to be Understood — He is Doing God’s Work

When you click on the image above a Substack article will open.  It is a defense of Eastern Orthodox influencer Jonathan Pageau.  He produces content under the brand, "The Symbolic World." The writer observes, Maybe you received a good education. In that case, glory to God! But not everyone was so...

I Can Sure Relate

Easter of 2020, during the great lockdown, I entered the Roman Catholic Church.  This artist speaks for me describing his reasons for entering the Church. His reasons are only the tip of an iceberg of religious thinking for me.  There is so much more.  I thought and prayed about it for decades....

Tesla Losing Value

This British YouTuber points out that Musk's Tesla is losing value.  He argues that Elon Musk is now toxic because so many Americans think of him as the destroyer of their government.  Trump's MAGA doesn't go there, of course.  They see him as Dark Maga, the fixer.  Musk recently posted on his X...

Finally Met Hippie Chick and Truthslinger

A couple hours ago I got to meet Tim and Jen for the first time.  They are known on X as "Truthslinger" and "Hippie Chick."  They left their Maine wilderness hideout and drove to Augusta to support Maine's political intelligentsia who were rallying to support an end to males competing against...

Marvelous Bitchute

I marvel at the breadth of content that I have access to online.  While the draconian censorship on Big Tech platforms has made it less simple and convenient to access content that interests me Tim Cook, Elon Musk et al haven't succeeded (yet) in cutting me off from the truth. The above discussion...

We All Have Cellphones!

Last night Dr. E. Michael Jones produced his weekly LIVE podcast.  His one hour show begins with his rant and continues to the end with him answering LIVE questions from Telegram and a number of online platforms. On Monday of this week Dr. Jones joined other Catholics in Washington D.C. for a...

Not a Serious Person

I looked over the list of presenters at this conference that Dr. Jones attended with his 70 year old friend.  I recognized a few of the names.  The name George Weigel is as recognizable to me as Dr. Robbie George (who wasn't there, as far as I know).  Whether I should or not I sort of put George...

Thank God for Alternative Media

The greatest force for peace is the power that content creators like Judge Napolitano have to distribute narratives/perspectives/insights from respected leaders like Jeffery Sachs.  I deplore the idea of nuclear war.  It makes no sense to me that humanity existed for nearly eighty years spending...

Terrifying Report on CBDCs

This video made me want to turn it all off and find a way to live the rest of my life without an internet connection.  I'm trying to convince myself that Trump/Musk represents a shift toward something more human.  That's silly, of course, because both leaders are baked into the Tech/Science Utopia...

Sodom Watch Maine: New Report

A totally captured government is all that stands between Maine falling below Sodom's depths of depravity and repentance from sin.  The leader of that captured government, Donald Trump, promotes sodomy.  Maine's most reasonable Governor on culture issues, Paul LePage, couldn't summon the courage to...

You Can Stop Hating Russia

Christianity is real.  It matters.  Especially if you think it doesn't.  Watch the video above to see what I mean. MAGA Boomers respect Judge Andrew Napolitano.  He was, for years, a serious voice on FoxNews.  Now he is doing great and effective work on YouTube. He is in Moscow right now.  His...

A Clumsy, Pandering Clown Show

Hollywood has produced another film making fun of preachers.  Gee.  We're all shocked. I listen to this YouTubers content more for his hilarious rant than to get his opinion on any particular film.  He ends every video with, "That's all I've got for today.  Now ... go away now." Brilliant. I'm not...

An Economic Grab for Behavior Modification

I worry about using X.  I don't trust Western Institutions.  I stopped believing in them in 2020.  I was already supremely skeptical, even cynical, when the technocrats launched that little covid ditty on every single human on earth. I've known forever that the internet is key to the...

Russian Latin Mass

Judge Andrew Napolitano and Larry Johnson praise Orthodox Christianity in this short Moscow interview.  The Judge says that the Russian Orthodox worship service he attended reminded him of the Roman Catholic Latin Mass. Larry Johnson gets the most worked up when talking about Christianity in...