Michael Stuart Heath

 A Humble Mainiac Christian Blogger


A big budget Hollywood production worth the time? https://youtu.be/yOtTsNnDnI8?si=IByLmvumN1Gx3shX

Suicide is Not Christian

Nick makes good points about Bushnell's suicide.  Learned he was a left winger. https://rumble.com/v4g1g8b-aaron-bushnell-self-immolates-in-front-of-israeli-embassy.html

Pure Evil


Jacob Rothschild Burning in Hell Forever

Queer inbreeding? Grace ends her documentary asking, "How can we find a solution if we aren't allowed to discuss the problem?"  The one three letter word guaranteed to get you nuked off the internet is "Jew."  Why is that do you think? https://www.bitchute.com/video/bYz7sWc0gyo/

Self Immolation Ending in Death

Listen to the end.  Good points from Ray McGovern about the airman's self immolation.  I agree with him. https://www.youtube.com/live/Uj7O7a3ewcg?si=aGcdTbKK7Btz3jds

The Covid Hoax

Props to my wife for emailing this link to me.  Covid is so evil. https://youtu.be/p3F38nsP5Rw?si=NAVRxajqwTcAaL-9

The Actor Zelensky

I'm not a Libertarian.  I do, however, appreciate much that I learn from them. This is helpful. https://www.youtube.com/live/Uj7O7a3ewcg?si=zDQeG_L_MeNgzT_4

You are a Pedo if You Won’t Fight

I got triggered just now by this GAB post. I invested my political life in arguing against "sexual orientation" laws.  A couple decades ago I adjusted my narrative to employ the word "sodomy" in place of "sexual orientation."  It is time for another adjustment.  Probably past time. If you aren't...

Proud Antisemite

It's impossible to avoid now.  There is only one path forward for the American truth teller.  He must fully embrace the epithet "antisemite" and wear it like the badge of honor it has become.  Jewish chutzpah put us here.  We must repent.  We should not have invited the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit...

He Had to Die

I'm impressed with Lucas Gage. His most recent rant is convicting, to say the least.  Click on the sentence above to watch his LIVEstream this afternoon explaining his ten minute rant. His views won't be convicting to most of the people that I've surrounded myself with for much of my life.  They...

Don’t Become a Canadian Trucker

The funniest take away from this one is the descriptor "chew toy."  That is what John Titus calls a guy like Klaus Schwab.  He's a throw away character that serves as an online "chew toy" for the social media addicted guild prophets and their acolytes.  LOL....

Government Can’t Lie … Right?

Everyone paying attention knows that the British government erased their excess death count by redefining the math.  They did that last week to hide evidence suggesting that the Jab is the cause. This video is from the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth organization.  I'm shocked to learn that...

Milei Miracle

Do you think Kennedy will do this? https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1761880852986986848?t=kFGNhLI_2ad7HvdyBuByHg&s=19

False Flag Weekly News — Good Stuff

I've learned much from Kevin Barrett in recent years.  Many Mainers judge him as compromised.  He became a Muslim after 9/11.  That makes him unamerican in their eyes. Not to me. https://www.bitchute.com/video/OARhBew6zXAK/

What is Trump’s Plan to Win Maine?

If I choose to vote in November I'll vote for Trump.  That's the only political action of consequence I plan on performing in 2024.  Otherwise I'll be blogging truth on the internet. Why would I vote in Chelsea, Maine?  My hometown.  They have a counting machine that is wired into Jerusalem. ...

Most Awesome Interview Ever

The future is Christian and young.  Fuentes is young.  Kapner is Christian.  But he was raised Jewish.  He knows. Listen. https://rumble.com/v4f9znc-meeting-brother-nathanael.html