No Room for Love

Today one is being excommunicated by society if one opposes it. — Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI No Room for Love Love is learned in the family. The organic or natural family begins with a father and a mother. No other arrangement is designed to work for children. They...

Separate Government from Church

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof — First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Separate Government from Church On day one as Governor of Maine I would separate the state government from the...

Jezebel Janet Kills is Hiding

These political leaders showed more faith and reverence for this model’s skewed projections than they accord to the Four Gospels. — John Horvat II in his article entitled “No One Can Oblige Us to Commit Suicide” Jezebel Janet Kills is Hiding Tucker Carlson lives in...

Governor Michael Stuart Heath

The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him. — GK Chesterton   Governor Michael Stuart Heath   My earliest memories are of Maine, even though I spent my childhood in Maryland. My grandfather...

CCP Virus Censorship

Facebook should stand aside and let competing opinions vie for public approval, rather than presuming to determine the truth of a complicated matter — Epoch Times article entitled “New ‘Fact Check’ Stifles Informed Debate on Virus Origin, Results in Advancing...

Trumpian Sledge Hammer

While health is an important element of community life, it is not the supreme value. Neither is it an absolute right that overrides the moral good or a nation’s very existence and future. — From the article “Warning! A Virus Threatens America’s Future and Christian...

Dad-Deprived World

"When Wortman began his carnage late on April 18 by murdering his recently estranged ex-partner and her new boyfriend, authorities say he was wearing an RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) uniform and driving a mock-up of an RCMP cruiser." — Epoch Times article...

Corona Virus:  The End of Communism

"The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people.”  — G.K. Chesterton, 1910 Corona Virus:  The End of Communism We’ve believed a lie.  Identity politics, the media, entertainment and the ease...

The Sin of Curiosity

The curious hate what they do not know with “anxious hatred,” wanting to reduce the number of unknowns to zero, to extinguish them. Curiosity wants new knowledge or intimacy with something so it can use that knowledge to control and dominate. — Nathaniel Peters in his...

Covidator 19

Anyone who thinks there is a need to construct complex conspiracy theories to explain what is happening is ... mistaken. — John Horvat Covidator 19 It now appears inevitable that covidmania will consume the world as we know it.  John Horvat opens his column entitled...