Gemma a Gem of the West

The Irish Light is luminous.  It is a print newspaper.  In Ireland.  Gemma O’Doherty publisher. Click here for the website. I’m not Irish.  I’m a Mainiac.  An American.  I am unfamiliar with Gemma’s world.  Never even visited Ireland. I do,...

Restoring the Mosaic is Where it’s at!

My youngest son, Jared, has built a business called Althatech.  The seven-year-old business recently started helping Dr. Anne Gilles.  I love what Dr. Gilles does for reasons unrelated to my son’s business.  I invested my life in standing publicly for the...

How Long will my Social Security Last?

How Long will my Social Security Last? In August I qualified for Social Security.  I’ve worked all my life.  I’ve paid into this government mismanaged program that entire time.  I am planning to take it starting at sixty two, mostly because I don’t...

A Space for Jones

A Space for Jones   I thought I might write something last Sunday afternoon. I didn’t. I indulged, instead, my latest platform addiction — Elon Musk’s X. The more edgy version of the cutesy Twitter featured an instantly available conversation in...

Wake Up!

This video gets my Charlotte Iserbyt Award.  The creator is telling the truth.  Can’t imagine he’s monetized on YouTube.  I’m shocked he still has a channel. And since I’m on those wicked conspiracy theorists I’m grateful that Lee Duigon...

Rumble’s New Brand

Alternative media star Russell Brand hit a snag last week.  Viewed as an annoyance by the lamestream media Brand suffered a broadside from “trusted” British media outlets and YouTube last week.  In typical lamestream fashion the print media launched with...