In more human times drink distilled the spirits of Maine Men. On March 29, 1897 civic religion birthed a christian League. A century later the Maine Man’s face is smeared with the gay rainbow colors of woman’s paint. His pornified spirit no less distilled....
Why don’t you have a clue? There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t waste time wondering if I’m the only one that sees what’s going on. My sense of what is going on around me continues to separate from what I perceive the majority...
Stew Peters is on fire. He’s going way beyond my historic offensive rant headlined by the words “maggots” and “faggots.” He’s saying that these degenerates deserve to be killed by the State. I’m with him one hundred...
Maine Democrats will seek constitutional protection for abortion rights One thing you can count on from “conservatives.” They are professionals at losing, especially on social issues. It’s been that way for my entire life. When are good people going...
Before the internet this content would be local only. It is helpful to Christians all over the world who are sorting out what politics is doing to them. Kudos to E. Michael Jones and Peter Helland for producing this....