Hate Crime Idiocy

This podcaster is doing awesome work.  Check him out. Let me know what you think in the comments....

The Bellows of the Shenna is a Waste of Time

Shenna Bellows, a radical “progressive” democrat, recently decided to remove the most popular Republican candidate from the Maine ballot.  She argues that he didn’t lead an insurrection on January 6th.  He “inspired” one. Her bellowing...

“It’s About Your Sex Life Jim”

https://www.bitchute.com/video/gbu0XbBWboCY/This entire interview is well worth the time.  At one hour and six minutes E. Michael Jones puts his interlocutor on the spot about his reasons for believing that religion doesn’t matter.  Priceless....

New Years Eve

https://gab.com/Paul7734/posts/111710299874377242 I think this guy’s name is Mark Dice.  Well worth the time if you are thinking about recent New Year’s events. Amen.

The Culture War

Before the internet this content would be local only.  It is helpful to Christians all over the world who are sorting out what politics is doing to them.  Kudos to E. Michael Jones and Peter Helland for producing this....