Be Sad for Sodomites or Else

The relentless propagandizing for sexual sin continues apace today front page of Maine’s Oldest Newspaper.  I even took time to read the propaganda to the end. It is written to make you feel guilty for not supporting butt sex. Do you? Amen....

Merry Christmas: Why the Future is Religious

Paul Kingsnorth begins his most recent blog post discussing the place where his story began. In my case, the time and place was Britain in the Eighties and Nineties, and the story we were immersed in then already seems like the product of a long-gone era. It was made...

Gabbing about America First

The America First movement is now mostly associated with Donald Trump.  In the early twentieth century the most well-known leader was the aviator, Charles Lindbergh.  The American government destroyed that movement by stealing the mailing list.  We are watching the...

Vincent James and Daily Veracity

I discovered this gutsy millennial blogger a few years ago.  He’s a family man who is building an online source for political/cultural news and opinion.  As with an increasing number of my trusted sources his courage is marked by a willingness to discuss...

Christmas Shopping in Freeport

On Friday of last week God gave me a great blessing.  Paulie and I have three sons for whom I could not be more thankful.  They have given us seven grandchildren.  Two of our sons live in North Carolina.  It is a treasure to have the son with the most grandchildren...

The Abbey of Misrule

Paul Kingsnorth lives in Ireland.  He is raising his family there.  And he blogs from there. I discovered him this fall because he blogs about what he, and many others in the twentieth century, refer to as “The Machine.”  The depth of his consideration of...