I couldn’t develop feelings of warmth and holiday cheer when I saw this tweet from Maine’s most powerful political “family.” All I could think about was the time I sat in the soiled...
Why Zelensky has to persecute Christians. It would be stupid for him not to. – Russian Faith ( I’m so sick of hearing about Ukraine. I NEVER believed anything I saw in the media about us prevailing over Russia. Since 2014 I knew that...
“They’re Openly Telling Us They’re Going To Brainwash The Next Generation Of Americans…” | ZeroHedge Alex Newman is a good man. He attends most of the globalist events. This is his report on the most recent. Click through to get the...
This sermon is SOOOOO convicting. It makes me feel deep sorrow for my spiritual laziness in the past. I allowed myself to be wooed to sleep by Zionist propaganda, especially if it was based on interpreting future events. All of it makes me angry now, not just sad. ...
The relentless propagandizing for sexual sin continues apace today front page of Maine’s Oldest Newspaper. I even took time to read the propaganda to the end. It is written to make you feel guilty for not supporting butt sex. Do you? Amen....
Paul Kingsnorth begins his most recent blog post discussing the place where his story began. In my case, the time and place was Britain in the Eighties and Nineties, and the story we were immersed in then already seems like the product of a long-gone era. It was made...