Honest Conversation worth your Time

I like Lucas Gage.  He’s going LIVE in thirty minutes this afternoon.  God willing I’ll tune in. He’s a retired Marine.  He is fearless.  And he is booted from X for three months for speaking his mind.  Learn more at my Gab account.  @moil....

“It’s About Your Sex Life Jim”

https://www.bitchute.com/video/gbu0XbBWboCY/This entire interview is well worth the time.  At one hour and six minutes E. Michael Jones puts his interlocutor on the spot about his reasons for believing that religion doesn’t matter.  Priceless....

The Culture War

Before the internet this content would be local only.  It is helpful to Christians all over the world who are sorting out what politics is doing to them.  Kudos to E. Michael Jones and Peter Helland for producing this....

The Antihuman Future

This creator always hits a home run.  And he hits this one into the next county. Give him a listen....

Things Worth Doing are Worth Doing Badly

Chesterton is the best.  The icon on my social media is based on a book he wrote entitled “The Ball and the Cross.”  I marvel at his ability to write the truth so relentlessly and clearly without any hint of bitterness.  There is nothing thin or...