Blah, blah … blah …….. blah.

Please forgive me for having this reaction to a “Good Guy” Influencer video.  I started watching this former FoxNews celebrity podcast awhile ago.  His content is better than … I would have said “most” a year ago … but now I say “some.”

This video offers a helpful illustration supporting my downgrade.  To reinforce the point I’m making you should watch the short Voidzilla video below about Tucker Carlson.  The Redacted video takes over ten minutes to make two obvious points.  One is that RFK Jr is going overboard into politics as the newly minted DHS Commissioner.  I agree that this is true.  It is hardly news.

Second, and more important, is RFK Jr’s recent X post claiming (without evidence) that Antisemitism is a major health threat in America.  Most of the Redacted video is handwringing over the Kennedy assertion about the jews.  The hosts were, of course careful never to use the two words together — “The” and “Jews.”  To do so is to commit the crime of antisemitism.

I was at this handwringing state about the jews a decade ago.  It led me to think deeply about the issue, and even *gasp,* take time to read some books.  I concluded rather quickly after looking into the whole “antisemitism” issue that something else is going on.  Actually there’s a lot going on.  All of it, however, can be tied together persuasively by the religious idea concerning a decision the jews made two millennia ago.  The jews decided to murder their Messiah.

NOT ALL JEWS.  But certainly the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  Jesus and Mary, after all, were themselves jews … as were the Apostles.  Jewish officialdom murdered Jesus Christ.  The Romans were complicit.

The Gospel writer, John, pointed out that Jesus Christ is reason itself.  That’s why he wrote that famous first sentence opening his narrative, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  The English “Word” is the Greek word “Logos.”  John’s gospel was written in the common Greek language of the time known as koine.

The book I found most helpful in thinking through this matter was published by a PhD in American Literature two decades ago.  Dr. E. Michael Jones concluded that what America is really confronting is not antisemitism, but “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.”  The idea is so powerful that the jews forced the world’s most powerful book publisher, Amazon, to delete not just this book but the account that made over thirty of the books Dr. Jones published over the past forty years easily available.

Amazon was forced to take this draconian step because the combined weight of the arguments in the books would lead to a restoration of constitutional order in America.  That, at this point, is the LAST thing the West’s oligarchy can abide.  They’ve invested their life’s blood in creating the global technocracy that threatens not just one nation, a group of nations or a region.  No, the jews are at the threshold of global control using their many versions of soma.


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