Nearly all of the people with whom I’ve acquainted myself over the years would watch this video and think “This praying man is not worthy of my respect.  Listen to that soundtrack.  He’s praying on a prayer rug.  He’s MUSLIM!  They must be murdered because if they aren’t they will murder us.”

Tens of millions of Americans feel this way.  Are their feelings and conclusions based on reality?  I used to think so.  I don’t now.

The religious threat we face comes from Judaism, not Islam.  This is not to say that Islam cannot threaten the Christian world.  It once did.  And Christian Europe responded with what is popularly known as the Crusades.

Ferociously anti-Christ thinking is what’s collapsing the West today.  If our eyes were wide open we’d be able to learn from this short video.  We’d see in this image the virtues of love for religion and home.  We’d see courage.

The West can not appreciate virtues of any kind anymore because all of us are forced to wear rainbow colored glasses.  Time to take the glasses off and appreciate the global reality that we’ve created.  Especially our responsibility for all the hate and violence.



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