Mortal Sin

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The Epidemic of a Seared Conscience – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Nobody has the right to not be offended. That right doesn’t exist in any declaration I have ever read.[1] Many Americans have been propagandized to the extent that they now form an entire subclass – the perpetually offended. What are the signs? One of the most glaring...

Cook, Jones, Kavanaugh and the Collapse of the Left

The Supreme Court nomination process isn’t that big a deal.  Most people don’t care about politics or news.  FoxNews is the most watched cable news channel.  There are over three hundred million people in America.  FoxNews gets just over a million viewers...

Settled Law

By Fritz Spencer When our teacher first placed us in long rows so that we no longer hopped, hooted, or capered to the right or left like so many lambs or baby goats, she gave us the first laws which applied outside the home. Similarly, when our small but growing legs...

Introducing Bob Garrett to the Alphabet Man LIVE

This morning I hit the streets of Maine’s capital city, Augusta.  I’ve spent decades of my life here living, ministering and fighting in Jesus name.  I am ashamed to say that there is a baby murder mill here.  It must be closed down. I am thrilled to...

Return to Order

Along the way in my ministry I met the folks at Return to Order.  They are among the faithful few who choose to walk out their Christian convictions by boldly going where no one has gone before … to the streets and the politicians.  Christians won’t...