Destroyed by Freemasons

I’ve never met Jeff Mathis.  He doesn’t make it easy to contact him personally through online channels.  If even ten percent of what he alleges in his testimony is true I get it.  I wanted to at least email or call before putting this on my blog.  With...

Unmixed Evil

“I am firmly convinced that the Reformation of the sixteenth century was as near as any mortal thing can come to unmixed evil. Even the parts of it that might appear plausible and enlightened from a purely secular standpoint have turned out rotten and reactionary,...

Slaves to Debt Tucker talking with an economist about debt and the fact that the United States of America is no longer the world’s hegemon.  Our political class is the only group that doesn’t get it.  Oh yes, I...

A Space for Jones

A Space for Jones   I thought I might write something last Sunday afternoon. I didn’t. I indulged, instead, my latest platform addiction — Elon Musk’s X. The more edgy version of the cutesy Twitter featured an instantly available conversation in...

Wake Up!

This video gets my Charlotte Iserbyt Award.  The creator is telling the truth.  Can’t imagine he’s monetized on YouTube.  I’m shocked he still has a channel. And since I’m on those wicked conspiracy theorists I’m grateful that Lee Duigon...