Rumble’s New Brand

Alternative media star Russell Brand hit a snag last week.  Viewed as an annoyance by the lamestream media Brand suffered a broadside from “trusted” British media outlets and YouTube last week.  In typical lamestream fashion the print media launched with...


Take care with your online identity.

Helpful J6 Documentary

A couple days ago I finished watching this one hour production, obviously the fruit of many, many hours of work. Even though I was there that day I had never taken time to view what happened on the mall side of the Capitol.  My son and many good friends spent the...

Holed Below the Waterline by the Financial System

Neil Oliver observes that the Empire has been “holed below the waterline by the financial system.” The man who wrote this Issues page for my campaign for Governor, Steve Martin, finally got my attention on this issue of banking many years ago.  He loaned...

The Living Water

An email I receive daily linked me to an English writer living in Ireland.  His most recent writing project is titled “The Living Water.”  He has decided to make his upcoming series of essays free to everyone who visits his Substack. He supports his family...