I’m impressed with Lucas Gage. His most recent rant is convicting, to say the least. Click on the sentence above to watch his LIVEstream this afternoon explaining his ten minute rant. His views won’t be convicting to most of the people that I’ve...
The funniest take away from this one is the descriptor “chew toy.” That is what John Titus calls a guy like Klaus Schwab. He’s a throw away character that serves as an online “chew toy” for the social media addicted guild prophets and...
Everyone paying attention knows that the British government erased their excess death count by redefining the math. They did that last week to hide evidence suggesting that the Jab is the cause. This video is from the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth...
Do you think Kennedy will do this? After just 9 weeks of Javier Milei in power, the government of Argentina has its first budget surplus in over 12 years. In US terms, Milei turned a 1.2 trillion-dollar annual deficit into a 400 billion surplus. It’s possible here...