You are a Pedo if You Won’t Fight

I got triggered just now by this GAB post. I invested my political life in arguing against “sexual orientation” laws.  A couple decades ago I adjusted my narrative to employ the word “sodomy” in place of “sexual orientation.”  It is...

Proud Antisemite

It’s impossible to avoid now.  There is only one path forward for the American truth teller.  He must fully embrace the epithet “antisemite” and wear it like the badge of honor it has become.  Jewish chutzpah put us here.  We must repent.  We should...

He Had to Die

I’m impressed with Lucas Gage. His most recent rant is convicting, to say the least.  Click on the sentence above to watch his LIVEstream this afternoon explaining his ten minute rant. His views won’t be convicting to most of the people that I’ve...

Don’t Become a Canadian Trucker

The funniest take away from this one is the descriptor “chew toy.”  That is what John Titus calls a guy like Klaus Schwab.  He’s a throw away character that serves as an online “chew toy” for the social media addicted guild prophets and...