Sodom Watch Maine: New Report
A totally captured government is all that stands between Maine falling below Sodom’s depths of depravity and repentance from sin. The leader of that captured government, Donald Trump, promotes sodomy. Maine’s most reasonable Governor on culture issues, Paul LePage, couldn’t summon the courage to take a clear stand against the ancient debilitating evil.
Vladimir Putin’s Russian government has assistance in the culture formation task from the ancient Russian Orthodox Church. Maine and America’s government can expect only moral cowardice and confusion from the version of Christianity that exists under Americanism.
And there is little hope that America will develop the intellectual tools to sort it out. The “Gender Snowperson” vocabulary changes so fast that nobody is allowed to keep up. The combination of digital conversion of human perception and action with the legally forced “SIN IS GOOD MESSAGE” makes it impossible for the average Mainer to understand.
This is not to say there is no hope. I believe that Maine’s only hope is Jesus Christ, the morality he taught, and the customs/culture formed over the millennium between Pagan Rome’s collapse and the split in Christendom between Protestants and Catholics. The last five hundred years have birthed unresolvable conflict in Maine over anything religious.
This benefits those who are rich because of usury. Maine’s government exists to obfuscate awareness that would help Mainers understand the difference between friend and foe. It should be easy to conclude that murdering babies is evil. Equally simple is the idea that anal intercourse isn’t consistent with the simple working of our bodies. Also basic is the idea that marriage exists as an institution designed to create multi-generational connection, not as a mechanism for falsely affirming pleasure-centered sexual relations.
Click on the image above to read the Lifesite News article regarding the recent report.