You Aren’t Perfect Because of Your Attachments

by | Mar 9, 2025 | Christianity, Psychology, Shield of Faith COLUMN | 0 comments

This exorcist makes too much sense.  I discovered Father Ripperger a few years ago online.  I ALWAYS enjoy his insights.  I’ve finally found a “psychologist” who makes sense.

Freud turned the profession of psychology in a Jewish direction.  He hated the Church — Christianity.  The West is paying the price for his religious bigotry in a HUGE way these days.

In this video the Priest offers insights about our wills, and how not exercising it forcefully leads to weakness in our fight with sin.  He talks specifically about fasting.  But his points about the will can be applied to any sin that you are working to overcome.

I found it so helpful because I am attempting a fast of one meal a day during this Lent.  I hope his insights will prove worthwhile in my fight with temptation in 2025.



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