These people are out to destroy the world, and now they’ve shown up on our doorstep, attacking everything we hold dear! And Jason is hiding them, these traitors and turncoats who say Jesus is king and Caesar is nothing! — The Message Acts 17:7

World Turned Upside Down

FedEx perp walked me across their massive terminal in Kernersville, North Carolina this summer a week before they decided to “disqualify” me from wearing their purple uniform.  Someone had complained about me wearing my work uniform on the internet.  On occasion I would record a video on the way to work, or on my way home from work.  I was too lazy to change out of the uniform when working ten to twelve hour days.  Sometimes I wore my fleece or raincoat when I wasn’t working.  A few times I wore the raincoat when I was trying to save the lives of babies at planned murderhood centers.

I never gave wearing the uniform much thought.  I figured I was never doing evil, so I just didn’t think about it.

During the recorded fifteen minute interrogation that felt like five hours I was questioned about my Christian beliefs.  The interrogator brought up my use of the word “faggot” in my online narrative.  Describing himself as a “good Christian” he pointed out that the word “faggot” isn’t in the Bible, and asked if I thought the word was “incendiary.”  I answered, “No.  God raining down fire from heaven on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah is incendiary.”  I concluded, “Faggot is just an english word.”

My “disqualification” attracted the interest of a civil rights attorney.  A letter was sent to FedEx.  FexEx responded denying that I had been discriminated against on the basis of my religion.  They argued that I had violated some policy about wearing their “brand.”  Their decision to “disqualify” me was justified, they pointed out, because I had worn their uniform in such a way that a complaint was generated.  I assume they wouldn’t have done anything if nobody had complained.

All American Corporations should be honoring me for my views on abortion and sodomy.  Christianity’s traditional, proven and natural moral teachings on sexuality are cause for celebration.  The only reason they are unpopular is because the West is the victim of a centuries long sustained satanic attack on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Satan is especially vexed by the ideal of a Holy Family consisting of a virgin mother, chaste father and Holy Son.  My defense of these ideas features a tradition of persecution in human history.  Christianity is proud of her martyrs.

But most Americans still don’t think of their nation as one where persecution of Christians is justified.  Because of the sophistication of satan’s ideological attack on them, however, they have lost touch with the reality of their Christian faith.  Their faith is so weakened now that it is legitimate to wonder whether the faith will survive much longer in the good ‘ole USA.

My fight with FedEx is just another in a now seemingly endless list of citizens who’s experience dramatically illustrates the loss of faith in America.



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