Toward early December, just after Thanksgiving, Paulie and I went to the movies.  While I can’t remember the movie, I do remember the gloomy vibe in the theater, and the movie previews.  While the movie we saw was family friendly the previews were all for horror films.  Literally no holiday messaging made it’s way into the narrative.  I got no sense that either the theater or Hollywood wanted me to enjoy a Merry Christmas.  It was a straight up awful cultural experience.

Meanwhile my new cultural christian friend, Richard, took five hours to prepare the seventeen minute video clip you can find in the X post above.  He published the post on December 16, 2024.  On January 6, 2025 the post had received a pathetic 243 views, had just three likes and only two reposts.  He direct messaged me the post and sought my reaction three minutes after he published it on X.  I just now took time to watch the video in the post, and understand the context of his direct message.  Apologies Richard for taking so long to respond.

The video clip features a one sided rant by a man and woman who make insane claims about Christianity while a guy who looks just like Gladiator’s Russell Crowe.  The Crowe look alike puffs on a cigarette while the ranting “Christians” throw F bombs in defense of sodomy.  In between puffs the guy asks questions and makes sensible points based on a couple thousand years of moral and historical development in the West.  The angry couple punctuate their rants with obscene muting of the Crowe look alike’s microphone.  Ninety percent of the seventeen minutes is just hellish.  No rationality, just emotion. 

The video segment opens with the Crowe guy calling out something he calls “tone policing” online by “christian” women.  The video proves that the most violent tone policemen are the American “christian” men.  Watch the entire video and correct me if I’m wrong in the comments below.

I wrote a series of blog posts based on the three word phrase “Faggots are Maggots” a number of years ago.  You can find them easily by searching online, or on this blog.  I was inspired to dip my toe into the genre of insult by Trump’s rise to power in 2016.  I steered clear of personalizing my insult by not naming anyone personally.  I reasoned that this would help my argument to be read as political and religious speech.  I didn’t want to be accused of yelling fire in a crowded movie theater.  I figured I would make myself vulnerable to that charge by attacking a person in my narrative.  It didn’t matter.  The FBI still visited me.  My FedEx supervisor who was secretly transitioning was still able to get me deplatformed/cancelled by FedEx.  All of this happened in 2020 just after the world descended into madness.

Richard’s post is evidence of just how mad religion in Maine/America is now.  It is totally unhinged from reality.  I was there the moment (Spring 2004) Maine detached from reality like a uhaul trailer on the interstate detaching from the car.  It was a religious and political experience since I was leader of the Christian Civic League of Maine at the time.  It happened because cowardly “christianity” decided to stop defending the moral order of the universe.  It pivoted to tone policing, the role assigned to what’s left of American “christianity” by jews.  Without even knowing it (due to the effectiveness of social engineering over my entire lifetime) I led the way into tone policing. 

I’ve been repenting ever since.  I’ll be sorry until the day I die.  There is no excuse, other than cowardice, for the public apology I offered at the time.

Here is the truth.  It is based on the moral law of the universe.  This is Paul the Apostle applying that law to personal conduct:

The unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God.  Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor liars with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God.


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