I became hopeful in the late 1980s. The evangelical institution I led was ten years into a very public fight in Maine over homosexuality, law, religion and politics. As I reached the high point in my career news broke internationally about homosexual priests in the Archdiocese of Boston. I was certain that the backlash against this evil would benefit our campaigning in Maine.
I was wrong.
I spent the 1990s working closely with a Catholic layman, Paul Madore, from Lewiston.

Paul Madore talking with my son, Sean
While I associated with the lobbyist of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Maine I never trusted him. Much of his work in the Maine State House on behalf of Catholics was supportive of the Left. His work was partisan. It often favored Democrats. Nothing was accomplished on “social issues” in the State House.
During those years my ministry focused all of her resources on taking the “gay” debate public. We decided to force the debate out of the State House using the referendum. This strategy slowed them down. It didn’t stop them.
The Roman Catholic hierarchy sided with the Left the whole time. The homosexual crisis in Boston didn’t affect their political posture on “gay” rights. While they feigned resistance they were doing everything they could to support the homosexual political agenda.
The reason for this is now clear.
Many Priests are actively homosexual. The current Pope supports homosexuality in the hierarchy of his church. Evidence?
How about Father Paul Kalchik, pastor of Resurrection Parish in Chicago. I should also mention Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. I’ll save that for another post. Google his name.
Kalchik is no longer pastor of Resurrection Parish. He was removed by his Bishop, a Cardinal Cupich.
His “sin?”
He burned a rainbow flag.
It wasn’t just any rainbow flag.
“This was no regular rainbow flag, but a banner merging the Cross with the rainbow,” a parishioner explained. “It was not innocent. It was a signal that this parish would be the new ‘gay’ parish, as Fr. Daniel Montalbano’s previous church, St. Sebastian, home to gay Masses, had burned down.” Montalbano was close friends with Cdl. Joseph Bernardin, who presided over Resurrection parish’s 1991 inaugural Mass, the rainbow flag draped over the crucifix in the sanctuary. Montalbano was a known homosexual, holding gay parties in the parish basement. He died an untimely death at age 50, his body found in his rectory bedroom hooked up to a sex machine. A parish staff member who was eyewitness to the event spoke with Church Militant and confirmed the account. After Montalbano failed to respond to knocking on his bedroom door, staff broke down the door to find Montalbano naked and still attached to the contraption. The archdiocese covered up the incident, reporting that Montalbano had died from a “heart attack,” offering him a priest’s funeral shortly afterward. And Kalchik didn’t just burn the flag. He held an exorcism. The Chicago Sun-Times reported, “Kalchik led seven parishioners in a prayer of exorcism Friday, and the flag was burned inside a portable fire pit placed in the schoolyard next to the church. The ashes of the flag now rest in a church compost heap.”
Kalchik was twice molested, once by a Priest. The Chicago Sun-Times said that Kalchik equates the flag with predatory behavior.
This man is a hero to Jesus Christ. I don’t care what the Pope or Archbishop Cupich thinks. Jesus Christ loves this man and he will be rewarded on judgment day. He is telling the truth. He is fighting for the dignity of his church.
The Left IS predatory. They hate people, especially babies. They loathe innocence.
They hate. We don’t. Kalchik doesn’t. He loves enough to tell the truth. God is blessing him. And God is finally exposing the rot in Western institutions. It is fundamentally sexual.
It is perverse. We are sick.