Is Criticism of Jews Allowed in Maine
I’m living in a self assigned ghetto for some inexplicable reason. Maybe blogging about it will help me understand. I know I’m not alone in this. I suspect it is a simple case of Stockholm Syndrome. I’ve developed a psychological bond with my oppressors.
Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time.
I was first made captive by pubescent pornography. A Jewish Rabbi runs PornHub, the world’s largest distributor of porn. Addiction to this sin entered my life at about the same time that I was water baptized. Thankfully I started life with a mom and dad who loved me. They took me to Church and introduced me to Christianity.
My wife came along a few years later. She introduced me to the person, Jesus Christ. Four decades later and I’m beyond love for His person. I worship Him. He is God. And while He hates porn, Jews use it as a weapon against their enemies. They hate Christ. They created Hollywood. they own Trump/MAGA. They are destroying America. We are complicit.
And that’s because we’ve developed positive feelings toward them, even though they hold Christianity in America captive, and they are abusive. The evidence of this abuse is everywhere as the world approaches Easter.
Just as I never hated “gays” when I was leading the political and religious response to their crusade for acceptance in Maine I’ve never hated Jews. I’m a Christian. We trust God. He is first. He gives us power to love our enemies. We love by seeking — and speaking — truth. Especially to power.
Jews have a superpower in Maine. I can’t think of even one public critic of the Jews. They are invisible.
Maine will start to build the ideological foundation for moving on from the Jewish trap we fell into over the past century when we start having public conversations about their negative influence on our Christian culture. A good starting place would be increased awareness of Wilhelm Reich, the author of the 1930’s book titled, The Sexual Revolution. He was thrown out of Europe. He landed in Rangely, Maine. There is a museum there that honors his Jewish thought about sexual orgasms.
God willing I’m going to start blogging about him soon.
In the meantime please pass along the names of public critics of the Jews here in Maine in the comments. There isn’t space or time to publish the names of those who ridicule Christianity. What Mainer doesn’t use God’s name as a swear word?
What’s that tell you?