I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. — Galatians 2:2

Paul suffered well because he knew God personally. Christianity didn’t usher a new god onto the world religious scene 2000 years ago. Jesus Christ revealed THE God to the whole world, not just the religious one.

He talked often about his Father. And, of course, we know that the ONE God consists of THREE persons — the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Not being a theologian I’m ill equipped to discuss this mystery in depth. I am, however, eager to point out that this “essence” for God injects a wonderful conception of love and fellowship into our world. God isn’t alone, and He was never alone, because it would be impossible for Him to be alone. He is ONE in THREE.

So are we. We are body, soul and spirit. And when our spirit is enlivened by the Holy Spirit … when we are born again … we become capable of heavenly greatness. God is always looking for Christians who live like those first century Christians. Men and women who put the same value on their lives as Christ put on His.

Christ valued the cross. Do you?

I know America is full of VERY WEAK if not non-existent “Christians” when I ponder June 26th each year. The last four years especially.

A couple weeks ago I launched Matrimony Day God’s Way. I know that the news about this opportunity to take a stand against the rising evil of sodomy isn’t getting out. That is part of what I’m talking about … there’s a reason for the lack of publicity.

Only one leader has embraced the idea. Coach Dave Daubenmire. Without hesitation he said he would be there with his wife, Michelle.

Now, I want to be clear. I’m going to be there with Paulie every year until God takes me home. I don’t care whether you come or not. I don’t care whether CBN interviews me or not. God told me that this is my cross to bear. Even if the government decides that Christians will be killed or jailed if they object to sodomy publicly I will object.

I’m not afraid … well, I am.  But, “I am crucified with Christ.” I’m already dead. Is there any other Christian out there besides Coach Dave who has also killed off enough of their flesh … enough of the world in them, to take a public stand against something as obviously evil as sodomy?

Or, has everyone — even Christians — fallen in love with the porn on their smartphones instead of the God of the universe, Jesus Christ.

Well, as for me …



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