Interviewing an American Politician
— Michael Stuart Heath (@EvanMacIan) March 10, 2025
I nearly always agree with the X posts of the channel posted above. This one drew a loud “Boom” from my soul.
Israel is a foreign nation. Full stop.
Holocaustianity convinced tens of millions of Westerners to feel irrational sympathy for Jews. Did you know that the first concentration camp created by Hitler, in the mid 1930s, was Dachau? You know who was sent there in the greatest numbers? Roman Catholic Priests. Hitler’s Nazis knew that the Catholic Church posed the greatest threat to their plans for war. So they were imprisoned there well into the 1940s.
The book that defined the German concentration camp experience in the 1950s was written by one of those Priests — “Christus in Dachau.” The idea that Hitler built them for the purpose of murdering Jews didn’t emerge in a big way until later. Don’t believe me? It’s all documented in two recently published books that you can purchase here.
Before I had done my deep dive into this issue I visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. A hatred for Christianity pulsates in that place. It deeply offended me. But at that time I thought of myself as a JUDEOchristian. It was confusing. The confusion inspired my research since.
At the time I published criticism of the Museum because of their inclusion of a sodomy celebration event in the basement when we visited. My published criticism earned me public condemnation by Portland’s Rabbi. I was leading Maine’s Christian Civic League then.
Abortion and homosexuality are Jewish religious sacraments while Christianity condemns both.