The Orange Pill

My interest in Max Keiser waned a couple years ago.  He was making what felt like over the top predictions related to crypto at the time.  But I still loved the discussions on current issues between he and Stacey. A couple days ago I realized that their YouTube show...


I’m not talking about shoes or stages.  The word “platforms” is fast being adopted as a word to describe an online phenomenon.  This reality is developing because of  a conflict between limited attention spans, corporate goals and emerging privacy...

Walmart Promotes Evil in Austin: Alex Jones Calls Them Out

I watched this video. Alex Jones is a lion.  If you don’t believe me then watch his actions in this video.  He roars and parades like a male lion.  I love it.  The masculine virtues on display.  Testosterone included. What is Walmart doing allowing it’s...

Introducing Bob Garrett to the Alphabet Man LIVE

This morning I hit the streets of Maine’s capital city, Augusta.  I’ve spent decades of my life here living, ministering and fighting in Jesus name.  I am ashamed to say that there is a baby murder mill here.  It must be closed down. I am thrilled to...

Help Us Support Julio Severo

I just finished reading a most helpful article on cultural marxism.  I became interested in the article because of the hearty endorsement of Ray Moore from Exodus Mandate.  I respect Ray’s judgment. I am writing about the article because it is going to be...