God, Raise Up Real Journalists in Maine

Click through for an explanation of what is most toxic in Maine.  There is no truthful journalism in Maine. https://cozy.tv/emichaeljones/replays/2024-02-23

Special Forces Discussion

My biggest regret in life is not being honest on social media. This discussion between what I think of as special forces veterans in the social media platform war of the past couple decades is fascinating. I chose never to dive into the deep end of social media...

Docile Uninformed Compliance

I started my political career after completing a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy and Religion.  I came into politics loving the ideas of every person and institution.  I was curious, and respectful.  I was young. I was just starting my fourth decade on earth...

Gratifying Political Theater

Josh Hawley makes masterful use of his committee membership power to publicly shame Facebook’s billionaire founder Mark Zuckerburg in the video below.  I wish I believed this was anything but political theater. Fast and real legal progress needs to happen...

Witchfinder General?

Polly makes a good point in this video.  She observes that the Big Tech platforms are rewarding certain “dissidents” with lots of views while they delete or shadow ban others.  It leaves her, and me, wondering what’s coming next.  Given everything...

Surveillance by Design

This article observes, “To be sure, governments in democratic countries face challenges in accessing the content of communications of spies, terrorists, and other threat actors. They need help. But these purported solutions in the bill aren’t the right way to do...