Reason Alone

For you know, venerable brethren, that that most deadly war which from the sixteenth century down has been waged by innovators against the Catholic faith, and which has grown in intensity up to today, had for its object to subvert all revelation, and overthrow the...

Not Afraid of Dying

If the Guinness Book of Records were to track the most senseless attitude possible, the award would probably go to someone who committed suicide for fear of dying. — From an online article entitled The Most Monumental Social Engineering and Ideological Transshipment...

Silver Spoon

I’ve worked hard all my life to get where I’m at because I haven’t had a silver spoon handed to me. — Paul Zimmerman, owner of the Red Maple Inn in Guilford, Maine Silver Spoon Before the 1700s producing a silver spoon from one’s pocked denoted that you were a member...

No Room for Love — Part 2

What he is more than anything, perhaps, is genuine. — Abigail Curtis writing about Syd Sanders in the Bangor Daily News No Room for Love — Part 2 Two days ago I wrote about how love has disappeared in America. I can think of no better illustration of my point than...

No Room for Love

Today one is being excommunicated by society if one opposes it. — Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI No Room for Love Love is learned in the family. The organic or natural family begins with a father and a mother. No other arrangement is designed to work for children. They...

Separate Government from Church

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof — First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Separate Government from Church On day one as Governor of Maine I would separate the state government from the...