False Flag Weekly News — Good Stuff

I’ve learned much from Kevin Barrett in recent years.  Many Mainers judge him as compromised.  He became a Muslim after 9/11.  That makes him unamerican in their eyes. Not to...

What is Trump’s Plan to Win Maine?

If I choose to vote in November I’ll vote for Trump.  That’s the only political action of consequence I plan on performing in 2024.  Otherwise I’ll be blogging truth on the internet. Why would I vote in Chelsea, Maine?  My hometown.  They have a...

God, Raise Up Real Journalists in Maine

Click through for an explanation of what is most toxic in Maine.  There is no truthful journalism in Maine. https://cozy.tv/emichaeljones/replays/2024-02-23

Most Awesome Interview Ever

The future is Christian and young.  Fuentes is young.  Kapner is Christian.  But he was raised Jewish.  He knows....