God, Raise Up Real Journalists in Maine

Click through for an explanation of what is most toxic in Maine.  There is no truthful journalism in Maine. https://cozy.tv/emichaeljones/replays/2024-02-23

Most Awesome Interview Ever

The future is Christian and young.  Fuentes is young.  Kapner is Christian.  But he was raised Jewish.  He knows....

Guild Prophets

In 1912 G.K. Chesterton wrote, “I would rather a boy learnt in the roughest school the courage to hit a politician, or gained in the hardest school the learning to refute him – rather than that he should gain in the most enlightened school the cunning to copy...

Purity Spiraling

If you take the time to click through the link below you’ll learn the definition of more slang words.  The transgressive edge of content on the internet has always been gay to me.  At this point I feel like we need a whole new english dictionary.  Thankfully we...

Republicans are Professional Losers

Maine Democrats will seek constitutional protection for abortion rights One thing you can count on from “conservatives.”  They are professionals at losing, especially on social issues. It’s been that way for my entire life. When are good people going...