
Virtue has a veil, vice a mask. — Victor Hugo Veils I pray this doesn’t sound melodramatic.  Please read to the end before you decide. Tomorrow is my 59th birthday.  I find I must make a decision that could cost me my freedom, and perhaps my life.  I will...


In war the only sure defense is offense, and the efficiency of the offense depends on the warlike souls of those conducting it. — George S Patton Offense In the late 1970s I decided to go on offense against satan.  I didn’t know at the time that I decided...


Maggots consume the rancid flesh of rotting dead things. — Me in my spring 2020 COLUMN entitled Faggots are Maggots World Tour Maggots I guess some people got the impression that I hate “gay” people from the COLUMN mentioned above.  I don’t. ...

So Sad

Google is deliberately working to interfere with the reelection of Trump in 2020. — Breitbart article entitled “Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results” So Sad Donald Trump Jr. is complaining about a TEMPORARY Twitter ban. ...


  What about Mike’s alleged “homophobia”? Mike has strong moral and religious grounds for viewing homosexual practice and transgenderism as immoral. That does not mean he is beset by an irrational “phobia.” Of course, that’s what propagandists for “LGBTQ” coercion...