Wit Vs. Truth — Tragic Hero Larry Lockman
I’ve known Larry Lockman since 1990 — thirty five years. He made me his enemy, and kept it that way, ever since. He’s good at keeping enemies once he’s made them, unless his enemy is gay.
Click here for his latest column length demonstration of intelligence and wit.
Larry went to war with me over the Christian Civic League of Maine’s decision to use the referendum to confront his pet political enemy — gays. In the late 1980s the League reasoned that Maine’s lobby/political class was compromised on all things sexual morality. The century old ministry knew it had a spiritual, as well as political, duty to confront the sexual orientation movement.
The religious institution pivoted from historic concerns related to gambling, drug use and drunkenness to worry over the consequences of the sexual revolution. The board’s decision to employ Maine’s populist legal mechanism known as the referendum drew instant fire from Maine’s Secretary of State, Bill Diamond. He denied the group a petition. While the League awaited the results of a lawsuit Lockman obtained a petition that was circulated publicly and in the churches. He obtained the required number of signatures and his “anti-gay” proposal proceeded to the ballot.
As the freshly minted leader of the League I was tasked with managing the political fallout inside Evangelical Christianity unleashed by the competing populist ideas. I might as well have been a flaming sodomite as far as Lockman, and his band of loyalists, were concerned. The battle resulted in Lockman’s ballot initiative failing, notwithstanding the League’s qualified endorsement of the measure.
While he’s never forgiven me — or the League (as far as I know) — he apologized to “gays” while serving as a Legislator for his work against them in his pre-electoral politician days. His current column suggests the apology wasn’t even skin deep.
Larry Lockman, like Evangelical Christianity in Maine, is more ferociously Zionist than the Rothchild’s ever dreamed possible. His Judeo-Christianity is much more Judeo than it is Christian.
Every politician in Maine at every level — local, state and federal — knows there is only one talking point that is off limits. Criticism of Jews means automatic career obliteration. And that’s not because Jews are visibly here in large numbers. They never have been. It is because of Lockman’s Protestantism, especially the current rabidly toxic “conservative” version that loves Israel more than Maine.
It is this version of Christianity that is now aggressively, and stupidly, driving American foreign policy under the current Republican MAGA movement’s leader, Donald Trump. America’s most corrupt, and generous, political family — the Adelsons — own Republican foreign policy. Realizing their days are numbered because young Evangelicals have abandoned the Zionist cause Israel’s drunken addiction to America’s backing against Iran is fallen in the dark alley of genocide. Israel is barely breathing as it approaches it’s end.
Like the Jewish holy book, the Talmud, Lockman’s ideology provides him with bottomless “reasons” and wit to argue against his enemies. The latest low hanging fruit in Maine is obviously the confused individuals who can’t sort out their gender. When I was leading it was the confused Mainers who choose to conflate marriage with sexual orientation. In both cases irrationality and sin are given the upper hand in political discourse. A moral crisis is reduced to only two sides. And both sides enrich their bank accounts at the expense of Maine’s people.
Lockman, and his followers, cannot lead Maine through what is coming. They are political and religious opportunists.
Only an honest Christian will do.
Know any?