Thank God for Alternative Media
The greatest force for peace is the power that content creators like Judge Napolitano have to distribute narratives/perspectives/insights from respected leaders like Jeffery Sachs. I deplore the idea of nuclear war. It makes no sense to me that humanity existed for nearly eighty years spending trillions on Mutually Assured Destruction.
This must end. It should never have become a reality for humanity.
America is the major reason it happened. We are the only nation on earth to use Nukes. We obliterated the most Christian city in Japan to end World War II. Can we please stop already?
The world wants peace. They want us to bring all our economic hit men home. The world wants to trade with us. How about we stop with all the moral absolutist insanity, the “City on a Hill” utopianism, and prayerfully open our hearts and minds to the rest of humanity?