Trump Speaks to Congress
While the genocidal leader of Israel enjoyed nearly fifty bipartisan standing ovations from “our” American Congress “our” President couldn’t muster even one last night. Order, in fact, was forced on the body by Speaker Mike Johnson.
Near the beginning of the speech Trump highlighted the divide challenging Democrats to practice some of that tolerance and diversity they preach. His appeal fell on deaf ears. He’s not gay enough for them.
Zelensky is gay enough for much of Congress, though Trump’s recent moves to force peace on Eastern Europe is nudging the shyster Republicans to move to the darkened corners of the Military industrial Complex to strike their deals.
Putin is outrageously not gay enough for the equity obsessed Christ hating Western Left. His government is proud of their historic Christian religion. American’s worship the dollar. We don’t have time for God, especially His son Jesus Christ. We, like Israel’s leader, only have time to mimic violent Old Testament stories, careful to neglect two millennia of theological work based on the preaching of God’s Son.
Were we to heed the gospel, news stories about war wouldn’t be published without careful consideration given to the moral law and Augustine’s Just War Doctrine. The love taught and modeled by Christ and his disciples was smothered under an avalanche of speculation, mostly economic, in recent centuries.